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We use shortcodes a lot in Ticket Manager for SureCarts, and here are the examples you need to know

Ticket Download Placeholder


The {Number} in this is dynamic and, as such, is a placeholder; you shouldn’t be hardcoding this; you should be relying on the number placeholder, as this is the only way it works

Email Messages:

A placeholder is used in these emails {TICKET_LINKS} to insert a download link in the email; this is a placeholder that is replaced with the actual download link set in the ticket manager screen

Shortcode – Ticket Download Page


The above shortcode is added to the page where we will be sending people to download their tickets on purchase

Dashboard Shortcode

This shortcode is used in either the tabbed or normal dashboard to show tickets that can be downloaded for events that have yet to expire. It has some customisable options, allowing you to style the output as needed and change the date format; each of those is covered in the second example below.


With additional Paramaters of:

[available_ticket_downloads date_format="d/m/Y" wrapper_class="tickets-wrap" event_class="single-event"]