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Once you have activated Ticket Manager Pro, the first thing you need to do is create your tables and set your redirection download page. This article will talk you through this. there is a helpful video at the end of the article If this helps

So the first thing that needs to happen is you need to create the database tables and get it ready for using ticket manager pro.

Once you have created your tables, the next item that needs to be globally set is your download page for your emails, so you need to create your page in your builder of choice and where you’d like the download box to appear the shortcode being [ticket_auto_download] and then you need to copy that page URL and place it in the ticket download page box (1) and click save (2) to activate this.

The final global option for now will be to modify what you’d like to be appended to order emails to remind your clients that they will get a different email for each event and ticket class. For example, event one VIP Tickets will be delivered separately from event one Standard tickets.

The video below shows you how to do this initial setup quickly and efficiently