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< 1 min read

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Prerequisites: #

  • Your site needs reliable email delivery that is capable of delivering attachments. I recommend the use of a delivery plugin like FluentSMTP or SureMail for your email delivery
  • You need a Surecart license and Surecart setup on your site.
  • Some FTP knowledge or the ability to load tickets to your website is helpful and more secure; if you have users who are not technical and need to do the uploading, I suggest setting up a SyncBackPro, available here: SyncBackPro. A syncback pro video will be coming soon!
  • You need to know the PATH for where your tickets are located You can use the following snippet to assist with this RUP Troubleshooting Tools – Freely Available here

Install Plugin #

After your purchase, you need to download the latest version. You can do this by navigating to the website’s header and selecting dashboard. Once you have your downloaded plugin, you should install it the same way you would usually do.

Once activated, you then need to move on to the initial setup of Ticket Manager Pro for SureCart

The Below video shows you how to activate Ticket Manager Pro